Shooting the Messenger: The Character Assassination of Dr. Richard Gardner
As the science behind parental alienation grows increasingly irrefutable, bad actor activists resort to attacking the reputations of the researchers shining light on the darkness
We all know the old maxim “don’t shoot the messenger.” Sadly, when it comes to many critics of the concept of parental alienation, it’s as if they got the memo, then set it ablaze.
Bereft of good arguments against the concept itself, they resort to loathsome character assassination—or, reputation savagery, as Greg Ellis puts it in his book, The Respondent. They engage in this behavior precisely because parental alienation is such a powerfully helpful and accurate concept for understanding the difficult psychology that can descend when so many parents and children struggle with the loss of some or all of their time together.
Parental alienation critics’ latest target is none other than the person they see as one of the originators of the concept, Dr. Richard Gardner. Their shocking ad hominem attacks are beyond the pale for many reasons, not least of which is Dr. Gardner passed on 20 years ago.
Dr. Gardner was a child psychiatrist who published more than 41 books and more than 200 professional journal articles and book chapters. He was a world-renowned expert on parental alienation and published over a dozen articles on the topic in peer-reviewed journals. While he was the first person to coin the term “parental alienation syndrome,” what we refer to today as parental alienation has been documented in case law for hundreds of years, and it has been discussed in professional mental health literature for more than 70 years.
Recently, critics have disingenuously evaluated his work and concluded he was a pedophile, perhaps the worst accusation one can level against another human being. What are these accusations based on? Was Gardner ever arrested or charged with pedophilia? Is there any evidence that he harbored such ideas? No.
Several critics of parental alienation (e.g., Jennifer Hoult and Joan Meier) have written opinions claiming Dr. Gardner was of the opinion that pedophilia and incest are not child abuse. This contention is patently untrue. In reality, as a custody evaluator for high-conflict custody cases, Dr. Gardner wrote frequently about the insidious issue of false allegations of sexual abuse and about those whose lives were destroyed after being convicted of sex crimes they did not commit. One only needs to consult with registries of criminal exonerations to understand the issue Dr. Gardner was working to fix.
So, lacking any real evidence, critics have taken assertions and opinions from Gardner’s work completely out of context and distorted them beyond recognition, then colored them with their own nefarious impressions. It’s a dirty trick, and hard to uncover without referring back to Gardner’s original work. Even more concerning is how Dr. Gardner’s writings have been translated into other languages and then used to affect law and policy. The Global Action for Research Integrity in Parental Alienation has identified several clear examples of how Dr. Gardner’s words have not only been translated poorly, but reworded entirely to communicate something completely different than the source material.
To illustrate, here’s a quotation from a 2014 book published by Castañer and colleagues for the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of Mexico, contrasted with what was originally written by Gardner.
What Castañer et al. (2014) claimed Gardner wrote:
“The child must be helped to understand that in our society we have an exaggeratedly punitive and moralistic attitude towards sexual abuse of children.”
What Gardner actually wrote:
“Some pedophiles are psychopathic and have little if any guilt over their molestation of children…such fathers may rationalize that pedophilia is an ancient tradition, a worldwide practice, and that there is nothing at all to be guilty about. Such fathers have to be helped to appreciate that while what they say on this point is true, this does not justify the practice in our society.”
As you can see, the Castañer et al. quote is a far cry from the original. Not only is it not at all what Gardner wrote, it is phrased in a way to make it appear Gardner condoned pedophilia, which he clearly did not.
The treatment of Dr. Gardner is just one egregious example of many. In a related bit of bad behavior, the Wikipedia entry for parental alienation is also guilty of citing over eight bibliographic references that are misquoted or plagiarized. Despite efforts to correct this misinformation by parental alienation scientists and practitioners, activists constantly change the text back to the misinformation. Given that some judges rely on Wikipedia when writing their legal decisions, and that the misinformation is published in books intended to inform law and policy, this problem is most disturbing.
As an expert on parental alienation, I am constantly amazed at this gross misinformation and science denial communicated by critics of the problem. My colleagues and I have been publishing research the last few years soundly refuting claims that it’s “psuedoscience” that should be “inadmissible” in court.
Even so, I must watch scholars and professionals working with families affected by parental alienation forced to deal with disingenuous critics mischaracterizing parental alienation as nothing more than a crafty legal defense used by “abusive” fathers, even as claims by mothers of domestic violence are discredited by the court or custody evaluators. And even as their counter-arguments remain unsupported and are increasingly refuted with scientific evidence that proves, among other things, that mothers are more likely to get sole custody of children when they claim to be victims of domestic violence, and so have clear incentive to stretch the truth or outright lie in court.
It’s one thing for desperate parents to stoop to this level when being squeezed emotionally in the family law pressure cooker. It’s quite another for activists and professionals in the system (often one and the same) to promote or engage in this abhorrent behavior. Unfortunately, they do it because it works. Ad hominem attacks against scientists are just as effective at undermining people’s confidence in their ideas than through direct attacks of the empirical merits of the work itself. If you can’t beat them with facts, try shameful distortion.
Dr. Gardner is no longer alive to defend himself against the constant attacks against him. And so it falls to us to clearly identify this blatant denial of science, and focus attention back on education, prevention, intervention, and treatment for this devastating public health problem.
The Man Behind the Controversy – Dr. Richard Gardner
By Someone who cares about the truth-
I knew Dr Gardner personally. He was not at all how he is being portrayed by various groups. Not only did I attend school with his children (A & N), he was also my therapist. He was a kind and gentle man. Not the monster these groups want to make him out to be. In fact, many do not realize the immense contributions to the mental health field that Dr. Gardner made through the development of highly regarded child therapy games, which are still used today. One in particular, the Feeling Game, is a staple in most child centered Therapeutic treatments.
As to the pedophilia rumor, if Dr. Gardner is a pedophile, then Freud must have been one too. Freud, like Dr. Gardner, was grounded in science when he correctly postulated and recognized that there were various normal sexual behaviors that children display in their sexuality. Thus, if these two men are pedophiles, then all other sexual therapists must be pedophiles along with the researches who studied and came to these same conclusions.
So how did the Gardner rumor start? It was built on a twisting of his words. Words that are still true and scientifically backed today. Dr. Gardner stated that young children do explore their bodies including their private anatomy. This is very normal to their sexual and human development. These groups twisted this to mean he was a pedophile. Since when is a proven human natural behavior that is scientifically based, make you a pedophile?
Instead, this group of mothers from the 1990’s, who had been interfering with their children’s fathers’ custody, were found guilty after Dr. Gardner’s testimony. They decided to take revenge and this turned into him being a pedophile. This could not be further from the truth. As I stated, I knew Dr. Gardner, personally, and so did my school mates. In fact, I have many friends who played at his home with his children and there was NO PEDOPHILIA. Furthermore, I spent many an hour alone in therapy, both as a young child and as teenager. Never once did he make an advance. He was no more of a pedophile, than Freud or any other sexual behavior expert is.
This brings up a problem for these malicious groups who are spreading misinformation. Based on eyewitness accounts, these groups claim about Dr. Gardner, now become highly suspect. Especially in lite of my personal experiences and those of the children whom visited and spent time in his home. And this now makes anything they say or do suspect for validity. Where is their proof that he was a pedophile? Sadly, it seems they will stoop this low to defame someone and falsely accuse them of pedophilia and abuse. Doesn’t this sound reminiscent of exzactly what coercive controlling and abusive people do. Make up something to make themselves look better in the name of having total control. This makes any research suspect to validity issues as they seem willing to lower themselves, including falsifying data and results as in Joan Meier’s 2019 Research Project on Parental Alienation. This misinformation is nothing but propaganda much like an alienator would use to harm and gaslight another person.
In fact, these studies were so suspicsious that this is just what some of the top experts have done by trying to validate Meier’s work. Instead, these experts have proven that the studies done by Joan Meier and relied upon by Jean Mercer are fraught with flaws and inaccuracies including the inability replicate the resxults. This leaves a huge gaping hole in the validity of this work. (Harman, J. and Lorandos, D. (2020) Allegations of Family Violence in Court: How Parental Alienation Affects Judicial Outcomes. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 1 - 25. Published online December. 2020 - Table 1.)
Harman and Lorados found over 33 errors or issues with Joan Meier’s study. (Meier, J. S., Dickson, S., O'Sullivan, C., Rosen, L., & Hayes, J. (2019). Child custody outcomes in cases involving parental alienation and abuse allegations (GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 2019-56). SSRN. Meier’s group received $500,000 for doing this faulty study. No oversight. No verifying of facts. The granters just handed over the money. I guess, we, too, could come up with false data and reports with that kind of money. Reality is that those of us standing up to for the facts, do it on shoe string budgets. Why? Because it is that important to get the truth out that dispels the lies and misinformation.
What these groups fail to recognize or acknowledge is that the problem is not the underestimating of the true allegations. It is, in part related to the fact that there are far more false allegations than true. And this is gumming up the works taking time, money and resources from true victims.
This next comment is really a sad commentary. If the reverse were happening ie., with more true than false allegations, this world is in a serious heap of trouble as this kind dysfunctional behavior pattern is growing exponentially. This means that on a global level, we better start pouring more money into treatment for Cluster B personalities and narcissism etc., or eventually, we will have bred this dysfunction into the fabric of our species.
Enough with these horrendous childish attacks that oppose the science of custodial interference using the psychological abuse of coercive control and DV by proxy. It is time to join together on the basic issues at hand that we can agree on. If we take the adjectives of gender, race, religion, color and creed out, we are left with the same issue. That domestic violence of any kind is not okay. But when there are so many false allegations, they obscure the true abuse allegations thus using up the time, money and resources needed for true victims.
What we know is that better training and ability to recognize psychological abuse is mandatory. We know that the courts are about who has the money and connections, not the truth. We know that too many professionals are not properly trained to recognize true allegations from false.
We need to come together on common ground as a place to start fixing our dysfunctional family courts. And to do this, we need funding for research on how to treat these type mental health conditions so they do not continue to grow exponentially. These children are the future of this world. And it has nothing to do with the rumors and misinformation about Dr. Gardner.
Joan T. Kloth-Zanard, MFT, GAL, ADA Advocate, RSS, ABI & LC
Executive Director and Founder
PAS Intervention: A Tax-exempt charitable organization approved under sec. 501(c )(3) of the IRS
203-770-0318 cell/work
Author of "Where Did I Go Wrong? How Did I Miss the Signs? Dealing with Hostile Parenting and Parental Alienation"and “Broken Family Bonds: Poems and Stories from Victims of Parental Alienation”. All proceeds go to PASI.
Have seen this harm to my child directly. The courts own expert evidence of alienation and gas lighting by a mother and the lawyer for child covered it up. Lied to the courts and perverted the course of justice and the legal system and police protected the lawyer to save their reputations 🕵️♂️🛡. Alienation holding people in solitary are old forms of isolation harm by the state! Protecting abusers incites conflict for money 💰 they don’t want to admit to that or have this come to light. So they lie and pretend it’s not harmful to kids or parents 🕵️♂️